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2024-2025 SE4A Legislative Priorities​

Priority 1: Reauthorize and Modernize the Older Americans Act

We endorse the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee’s bipartisan legislation introduced in The Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2024 (S. 4776), specifically:

  • Updated language for Title IIID, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention which would allow funds to be used for evidence-informed programs will expand the Aging Network’s ability to reach older adults with emerging interventions and to reach further into rural, underserved communities.

  • Grab-and-go meals option to be codified in the law, with up to 25 percent of C1 available if the state approves, and the ability to distribute these meals in any community setting.


Further, we support USAging’s recommendations to:

  • Increase the administrative funding ceiling by two percentage points to ensure appropriate program development, oversight and network management amid rising costs and eroding federal OAA funding.

  • Preserve AAA responsibility in oversight and management of local service delivery by not adding dedicated funding streams to other entities (i.e., senior centers, centers for independent living).

  • Unifying the two Title III C funding streams for AAAs and providers to continue to innovate and develop new approaches and models in the nutrition program.


Priority 2: Increase Appropriations of the Older Americans Act to Serve More Older Adults Who Need Help to Age Well at Home

We support USAging’s recommendation to significantly increase authorized funding levels to meet the needs of a rapidly growing older population.


Further, we endorse the Senate HELP Committee’s proposed legislation to increase authorization levels by nearly 20 percent over the five-year authorization period.


Priority 3: Support AAA Engagement in Contracting with Health Entities

We endorse (S. 4776) relative to AAAs freedom from state approval around business or health care contracts if no OAA funding is used (limited disclosure only) and updated, clarifying language about when OAA funding is leveraged.


Securing health care or other private funding enables AAAs and other Aging Network entities to address social care needs and strengthen partnerships to further meet their missions.​


​The Older Americans Act


  • Provides older adults the support they need to live independently, safely, and with dignity in their own homes and remain in their community.

  • Gives seniors, caregivers, and families a ‘one-stop-shop’ to find the help they need through information, access, and eligibility assistance.

  • Helps caregivers and families who are caring for their elderly loved ones by providing essential support including counseling, training, and respite care. Such support helps caregivers continue in their role by alleviating exhaustion and fear.

  • Saves the government and taxpayer’s money. Home and Community-Based Care prevents unnecessary hospitalization and helps seniors avoid or delay the need for institutional care.


About SE4A

To achieve its purposes, the Association seeks to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Encourage the development and enhancement of a coordinated and unified network on aging in the Southeast.

  • Advocate actions and education to increase visibility and credibility of the aging network.

  • Provide a unified group of voices to congress, ACL/AoA, the public/private sectors, the National Coalition of Aging Organizations, and other significant groups or individuals in communicating issues on behalf of older Americans.

  • Support and enhance the work of Area Agencies on Aging and their state associations.

  • Design and implement specialized training to strengthen and enhance the Southeast Aging Network.




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